10th Anniversary Conference: April 30-May 1, 2022

Advancing Humanistic, Existential, & Transpersonal Psychology and Scholarship
Celebrating 10-years of University Professors Press

Date: April 30-May 1, 2022

Formed in 2012, University Professors Press has become a leading publisher of humanistic, existential, and transpersonal psychology books, as well as books on creativity studies and poetry, healing, and growth. In celebration of our first 1o-years, we are hosting a conference on “Advancing Humanistic, Existential, and Transpersonal Psychology and Scholarship.”

Location:      Online via Zoom
Cost:            Professionals $50; Students: $30; CEs $10

Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/advancing-humanistic-existential-transpersonal-psychology-scholarship-tickets-244847685017

Click Here to View or Download the Conference Program

Conference Schedule

eApril 30, 2022 (All Times are Listd in Mountain Standard Time [MST]) 


Conference Opening

9:00-10:00 AM

The Polarized Mind, Depolarizing, and the Path to Awe-Based Consciousness

Keynote by Kirk Schneider

10:00-11:20 AM

Polarization and Social Healing Roundtable

Moderator: Andrew Bland

Panelists: Kirk Schneider, Nathaniel Granger, Tom Pyszczynski, Zenobia Morrill, and Jeff Singer

11:30 AM-12:30 PM

How to Create a Meaningful Society for All: Breaking the Cycles of Structural Injustice 

Keynote by Joel Vos

12:30-1:50 PM

Social and Political Issues in Psychology Roundtable

Moderator: Stephen Simpson

Panelists Joel Vos, Frank Gruba-McCallister, Xochitl Vallejos, and Rebecca Zimmerman 

2:15-3:15 PM

Transpersonal Psychology, Transformational Technologies, and Our Capacity to Heal a Troubled World

Keynote address by Carla Clements

3:15-4:45 PM

Transpersonal Psychology Roundtable

Moderator: Drake Spaeth

Panelists Carla Clements, Francis Kaklauskas, Dan Hocoy, Anne Hsu, and Loe Blackmond 


Getting Published Workshop

University Professors Press Editorial Board

May 1, 2022 (All Times are Listd in Mountain Standard Time [MST]) 

9:00-10:00 AM

Lessons from 15-Years of Cultural Dialogue on Existential and Humanistic Psychology

Joint Keynote by Mark Yang and Louis Hoffman

10:00-11:20 AM

Cross Cultural Perspectives on Existential and Humanistic Psychology Roundtable

Moderator: Jason Dias

Panelists: Mark Yang, Myrtle Heery, Evone Phoo, Arthur Li, and Julia Olson


11:30 AM-12:30 PM

Becoming: Growing Our Selves Through Life Story Narration

Keynote by Julia Falk

12:30-1:50 PM

Existential Psychology Roundtable

Moderator: Shawn Rubin

Panelists Julia Falk, Louis Hoffman, Eugene DeRobertis, Ed Mendelowitz, Xochitl Vallejos, and Brittany Varisco


2:15-3:15 PM

Poetry to Help Heal Loss: Theoretical Approaches and a Case Example

Keynote by Carol Barrett

3:15-4:45 PM

Poetry and Psychology Roundtable Discussion

Moderator: Richard Bargdill 

Panelists: Carol Barrett, Nathaniel Granger, Jennifer Bacon, and Jack Thomas


4:45-5:00 PM

Conference Closing

Continuing Education Information
RMHCPA partners with Division 32 (Society for Humanistic Psychology to offer CE programs.  APA Division 32, Society for Humanistic Psychology is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. APA Division 32, Society for Humanistic Psychology maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Disability Accommodations

For additional information about CE offerings or disability accommodations, please email ce@rmhcpa.org


Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling and Psychologial Association

International Institute for Existential-Humanistic Psychology

International Meaning Confernece London

The HERD Institute

Random Quote

The culture-blind therapist can engage in malpractice by unwittingly serving as an agent of assimilation, implicitly imposing Euro-American cultural norms on their clients.

— Dan Hocoy, “Transpersonal Psychology in the Age of ISIS: The Role of Culture, Social Action, and Personal Transformation”, chapter in Shadows & Light (Volume 1)