Editorial Board

University Professors Press is in the process of expanding its editorial board.

Richard Bargdill, PhD (Executive Board Member)
Virginia Commonwealth University
Tom Greening, PhD (Executive Board Member)
Saybrook University (Professor Emeritus)
Louis Hoffman, PhD (Head Editor; Executive Board Member)
Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling & Psychological Associaton
Francis Kaklauskas, PsyD (Executive Board Member)
Naropa University
Kevin Keenan, PhD (Executive Board Member)
Michigan School of Psychology
Veronica Lac, PhD (Executive Board Member)
The HERD Institute
Glen Moriarty, PsyD (Executive Board Member)
7 Cups
Steven Pritzker, PhD (Executive Board Member)
Saybrook University
Brent Dean Robbins, PhD (Executive Board Member)
Point Park University
Donna Rockwell, PsyD (Executive Board Member)
Saybrook University
Shawn Rubin, PsyD (Head Editor; Executive Board Member)
Private Practice
Jim Ungvarsky (Financial Officer; Executive Board Member)
Lisa Xochitl Vallejos, PhD (Executive Board Member)

Mark Yang, PsyD (Executive Board Member)
International Institute for Existential-Humanistic Psychology

Random Quote

We’ve been learning all our lives to be the therapists we are. And it will take the rest of our lives to become the therapists we want to be.

— Mark Yang, Lighting the Candle: Taoist Principles in Supervision Conducted from an Existential-Humanistic Perspective