Franklin Sollars (UPP Author)

Franklin Sollars PhD is a clinical faculty member of the Michigan School of Professional Psychology . He is a founding member of the Integrative Psychoanalytic Society (formerly the Michigan Society for Integrative Psychoanalytic Studies). As the Clinical Director of Sollars and Associates, a multi site clinical practice in Southern Michigan, Dr. Sollars oversees the clinical practice of both licensed psychotherapists and graduate interns. He is beginning the second book in his series on Love Outraged and the Liberation of the Core Self, a depth psychological approach to emotional and spiritual growth.   He is also working on a movie script he hopes to have completed and into production in the near future.

Books in Print

Sollars, F., & Sharpe, J. (2020). The love outraged workbook. University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE

Sollars, F. (2016)  Love outraged and the liberation of the core self. University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE

Refereed Articles

Sollars, Franklin. (2004) Mourning trauma and working through. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 91, 201-221.

Sollars, Franklin. (2007) Psychoanalysis as a spiritual practice. International Federation for Psychoanalytic Education Website:

Sollars, Franklin. (2013). A further elaboration of needs in psychoanalysis: Needs in conflict, compromise, and harmony. Psychoanalytic Review, 100(2), 217-237.

Sollars, Franklin. (2014) The Core Self in Psychoanalytic Literature and its Benign and Ideal Aspects. International Journal of Behavioral Research & Psychology, 2(401), 1-7.

Conference Presentations

Sollars, Franklin. (2001) Mourning and the World Trade Center. Presented at a Detroit area conference of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Counsel, Detroit, MI.

Sollars, Franklin. (2003) Mourning, Trauma and Working Through. Presented at a winter conference of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council, Lansing, MI.

Sollars, Franklin. (2005) The Therapeutic Use of the Concept of Needs. Presented at a Detroit area fall conference of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council, Oakland Community College, Farmington Hills, MI.

Sollars, Franklin. (2006) Psychoanalysis as a Spiritual Practice. Presented at a winter conference of the Michigan Psychoanalytic Council, Lansing, MI.

Sollars, Franklin. (2006) Psychoanalysis as a Spiritual Discipline: The Philosopher’s Stone. Presented at a spring conference of the Michigan Society for Psychoanalytic Psychology, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI.

Sollars, Franklin. (2007) Psychoanalysis as a Spiritual Practice, Presented at the International Federation for Psychoanalytic Educations Annual conference, Toronto, Canada.

Sollars, Franklin. (2008) The Liberation of the Core Self: The Aim of Psychoanalysis as a Spiritual Practice, Presented at a winter conference of the Michigan Society for Integrative Psychoanalytic Studies, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI.

Sollars, Franklin. (2009)  Affect Transformation as Technique for Liberation of a Positive Core Self. Presented at a winter conference of the Michigan Society for Integrative Psychoanalytic Studies, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI.

Sollars, Franklin. (2010)  Healthy and Unhealthy needs in Conflict Compromise and Harmony. Presented at a winter conference of the Michigan Society for Integrative Psychoanalytic Studies, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI.

Sollars, Franklin. (2012) Prometheus Bound: Breaking the Chains of the inhibition of Self Care, Joy and Fulfillment. Presented at a spring conference of the Michigan Society for Integrative Psychoanalytic Studies, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI.

Sollars, Franklin. (2012) The Core Self: Humanistic Psychology Conference, Chicago, Illinois.

Sollars, Franklin. (2013) Relationship as a measure of spiritual and psychological health in relationship, and its use in psychoanalysis.  Presented at a fall conference of the Michigan Society for Integrative Psychoanalytic Studies, Providence Hospital, Southfield, MI.

Sollars, Franklin. (2013) Needs in Conflict, Compromise and Harmony. Humanistic Psychology Conference. Pittsburg, PA.

Sollars, Franklin.  (2014) Humanizing Psychoanalysis Conference:  Keynote. A heartfelt  approach to Psychoanalysis and the Struggle for Self Realization. Fall Conference of the Michigan Society for Integrative Psychoanalytic Studies, held at the Atrium of the Michigan School of Professional Psychology.

Sollars, Franklin. (2014) Tales from the Darkside. Division 32, Humanistic Psychology Conference Santa Barbara, CA.

Sollars Franklin. (2015) Humanizing Psychoanalysis II: A heartfelt approach to Psychoanalysis and the Struggle for Self Realization.  Keynote. Psychoanalytic Phenomenological Contextualism a Humanistic approach.  Fall Conference of the Michigan Society for Integrative Psychoanalytic Studies, held at the Atrium of the Michigan School of Professional Psychology.


Sollars and Associates

Random Quote

We’ve been learning all our lives to be the therapists we are. And it will take the rest of our lives to become the therapists we want to be.

— Mark Yang, Lighting the Candle: Taoist Principles in Supervision Conducted from an Existential-Humanistic Perspective