Gaspar Segafredo

Gaspar Segafredo, MA, is a licensed psychotherapist and a writer located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He works in private practice and in the Adult Mental Health Service of the Public Health Municipal Centre of Bajo Boulogne, in San Isidro, Buenos Aires. He is a faculty member of the University of Belgrano Psychological Department as professor of Humanistic and Existential Psychology. He has a postgraduate course and training in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (Argentine Catholic University and Argentine Logotherapy Foundation); training in Existential Therapy (Latin-American Association of Existential Psychotherapy, directed by Susana Signorelli, and the Circle of Studies in Existential Therapy, directed by Yaqui Martínez); and in Relational Psychoanalysis (International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Chapter Buenos Aires). He is currently continuing his therapeutic training at the Existential-Humanistic Institute. He is a member of the editorial team of the Journal of the Latin-American Association of Existential Psychotherapy. He authored and co-authored articles with an existential and relational perspective in academic journals and in Argentinean newspapers, and has also written different scripts for documentaries. He is currently working on a poetry book he hopes to publish in the near future.

Book in Print

Durao M. & Segafredo G. (2023). Who are we after the pandemic? Psychology, Technology and Relationships.University Professors Press.


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Published Articles

Segafredo G. (2022). Ulises y Neo en el mundo pospandemia: amor y sentido [Ulises and Neo in the pospandemic world: love and meaning]. LOGO, Teoría, Terapia, Actitud, 52, 11-15.

Segafredo G. (2022). Entrevista con Emmy van Deurzen: terapia existencial hoy [Interview with Emmy van Deurzen: curent existential therapy]. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicoterapia Existencial, Un Enfoque Comprensivo del Ser, 13 (25), 38-44.

Segafredo G. (2022, April 24). Encuentro presencial vs. virtualidad: qué se pierde y qué se gana [Face-to-face meeting vs. virtuality: what is lost and what is gained]. Ámbito Financiero.

Segafredo G. (2022, March 19). Humanidad en situación límite: pandemia, guerra y grieta [Humanity in limit Situation: pandemic, war and divide]. Ámbito Financiero.

Segafredo, G., & Durao, M. (2021). Un abordaje integrativo-existencial de las crisis vitales situacionales [An existential-integrative approach to situational life crisis]. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicoterapia Existencial, Un Enfoque Comprensivo del Ser, 12(23), 20–26.

Segafredo, G. (2021). Entrevista a Susana Signorelli, Yaqui Martínez y Ramiro

Gómez Salas [Interview with Susana Signorelli, Yaqui Martínez and Ramiro Gómez Salas]. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicoterapia Existencial, Un Enfoque Comprensivo del Ser, 11(22), 39–42.

Durao M. & Segafredo G. (2021, April 10). Psicoterapia online: ¿cómo canalizar el vínculo pese a todo? [Online Psychotherapy: how to canalize the bond despite everything?]. Diario Perfil.

Durao M. & Segafredo G. (2021, February 20). Desesperanza y agotamiento detrás del narcisismo [Hopelessness and Exhaustion Behind Narcissism]. Diario Perfil.

Segafredo G. & Durao M. (2021, January 31). Negar, padecer o alquimizar la crisis [Deny, suffer, or alchemize the crisis]. Diario Perfil.

Segafredo, G. (2020), Humanidad en situación límite: ¿despertaremos a nuestra existencia relacional? [Humanity in Limit Situation: will we awaken to our relational existence? Revista Latinoamericana de Psicoterapia Existencial, Un Enfoque Comprensivo del Ser, 10(21), 20-24.

Segafredo, G. (2020). Entrevista a Alfried Längle [Interview with Alfried Längle]. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicoterapia Existencial, Un Enfoque Comprensivo del Ser, 10(20), 39–43.Segafredo, G. (2020, September 28). Encuentro real, encuentro virtual [Real meeting, virtual meeting]. Letra Urbana.

Segafredo, G. (2019). Entrevista a Kirk Schneider [Interview with Kirk Schneider] Revista Latinoamericana de Psicoterapia Existencial, Un Enfoque Comprensivo del Ser, 9(19), 45–50.

Conference Presentations

Segafredo, G. (2022). Encuentro: del consultorio a política cotidiana [Encounter: from private office to daily politics]. Presented at the XI Congreso Latinoamericano de Psicoterapia Existencial [XI Latin-American Congress of Existential Psychotherapy] organized by Círculo de Estudios en Terapia Existencial, in México.

Segafredo, G. (2022). Los recursos existenciales de Ulises y Neo en el mundo pospandemia: vínculos y sentido [The existential resources of Ulises and Neo in the pospandemic world: relationships and meaning]. Presented at the VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Logoterapia [VIII Logotherapy Latin-American Congress].

Segafredo, G. (2022). Por qué y para qué sostener el encuentro presencial: explicaciones e interrogantes ante la existencia virtualizada [Why and what for keep holding face-to-face meeting: explanations and questions facing virtualized existence]. Presented at the II Congreso Peruano de Psicoterapia Existencial [II Peruvian Congress of Existential Psychotherapy].

Durao M. & Segafredo G. (2021). An existential-integrative therapeutic approach: transforming painful life crisis emotions through awareness, creativity and meaning. Presented at the 37th SEPI (Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration) Annual Conference.

Random Quote

People have two basic concerns: One is to survive; one is to exist. The former only asks to go on living; the latter asks for meaning. The former concerns itself with how to live, the latter with why to live, the meaning of living.

— Xuefu Wang, “Symbolism in the Iron House”, chapter in Existential Psychology East-West (Volume 2)