How to Submit – Psychological Fiction

We are currently accepting submissions for psychological fiction that reflects humanistic, existential, or transpersonal psychology themes.

University Professors Press is now accepting submissions for select fiction books. This can include novels and collections of short fiction stories. For authors considering submitting to us, we encourage you to consider the following to see if UPP may be a good fit. UPP is highly select in the manuscripts that we consider. We only invest in reviewing manuscripts that are able to clearly demonstrate

  1. The audience for our books is comprised of mental health professionals. If your fiction is not likely to be of interest to mental health professionals, then UPP is not a good fit for you novel.
  2. UPP specializes in publishing academic books on existential, humanistic, and transpersonal psychology. Novels submitted to UPP should have evident existential, humanistic, and/or transpersonal themes.

Guidelines for Submissions

Using the form below, please upload a prospectus complete with all of the following:

  1. Prior to submitting the manuscript, please review UPP’s manuscript preparation guidelines and ensure that your manuscript has been prepared in accordance with these guidelines. Aspects of these guidelines may not apply to psychological fiction.
  2. Cover letter introducing your book and why you are submitting to University Professors Press.
  3. Brief overview of the book, the format of the book, and the book’s purpose.
  4. Complete manuscript of the book.
  5. A completed table of contents with brief chapter descriptions.
  6. Please include a section highlighting the psychological themes included in the manuscript. We are, in particular, interested in psychological fiction that may be used in coursework or training to illustrate psychological themes to students and trainees.
  7. Please include a brief discussion of how themes in the book are relevant to existential, humanistic, and/or transpersonal psychology.
  8. List of anticipated images with a description or include the images. Note: We typically will only consider including color images if they are necessary for the book. Color images increase the price of the book and are taken into consideration pertaining to whether the book is accepted.
  9. Description of the intended audience.
  10. Marketing recommendations to reach the intended audience (for UPP).
  11. Description of how the author will engage in marketing the book.
  12. Full vita of the Author(s)/Editor(s) of the book with complete contact information.
  13. It is common for novels and short fiction to base characters off of real-life people. Please include a statement pertaining to whether any characters in your novel are based on real-life people. If so, please let us know 1) if you have obtained permission from them, and 2) how you have worked to disguise them. We strongly prefer fiction that is not based on real-life people where their identity needs to be disguised.
  14. Note: As psychological fiction is a small audience that can be difficult to market, we typically only accept fiction when authors are willing to share the financial risk. If you are willing to consider sharing the risk (i.e., costs) of publications, please note this in your prospectus.

Random Quote

Furthermore this collection of poetry also reminds us that in all ancient societies poetry was seen as the purest and most dangerous form of truth and knowledge.

— Alexandro José Gradilla, Foreword to Stay Awhile: Poetic Narratives on Multiculturalism and Diversity