Kirk J. Schneider, PhD (UPP Author)

Kirk Schneider, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and leading spokesperson for contemporary existential-humanistic psychology. Dr. Schneider is past president (2015-2016) of the Society for Humanistic Psychology of the American Psychological Association, recent past editor of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology (2005-2012),  president-elect of the Existential-Humanistic Institute (EHI), and adjunct faculty at Saybrook University and Teachers College, Columbia University. Dr. Schneider is also on the Global Advisory Board of The Organization for Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies.  A Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA), Dr. Schneider has published over 100 articles and chapters and has authored or edited 11 books (several of which have been translated into Chinese, German, Greek, Russian, Turkish, and Portuguese). Dr. Schneider is the recipient of the Rollo May Award from Division 32 of the APA for “Outstanding and independent pursuit of new frontiers in humanistic psychology,” the “Cultural Innovator” award from the Living Institute, Toronto, Canada, a psychotherapy training center which bases its diploma on Dr. Schneider’s Existential-Integrative model of therapy, and an Honorary diploma/membership from the Society for Existential Analysis of the U.K. and East European Association of Existential Therapy. Dr. Schneider is also a founding member of the Existential-Humanistic Institute in San Francisco, which in August, 2012 launched one of the first certificate programs in Existential-Humanistic practice to be offered in the U.S.A. In April, 2010, Dr. Schneider delivered the opening keynote address at the First International (East-West) Existential Psychology Conference in Nanjing, China, and has repeatedly been invited to speak at various similar venues in China—as well as Japan–over the last several years.  He delivered a keynote address at the First World Congress of Existential Psychotherapy in London in May, 2015.

Also, Dr. Schneider lectures frequently throughout the world and has appeared on a variety of television and radio broadcasts.  These  include PBS TV’s Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove, KQED’s Forum radio program with Michael Krasne (see’s Forum archive), New Dimensions Radio with Michael Toms, with Dr. David Van Nuys, and KPFA’s Spirit in Action radio program with the Reverend Matthew Fox. His books have been favorably reviewed in the San Francisco Chronicle, Common Boundary Magazine, Vogue, Tikkun Magazine, the San Francisco Jung Institute Journal, Psychotherapy, The Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, the Ernest Becker Foundation Newsletter, and PsycCritiques.

For more information on Dr. Schneider’s work visit www.http://

Dr. Schneider has published multiple books with University Professors Press. PURCHASE THE KIRK J. SCHNEIDER BUNDLE HERE.


Rollo May Award, Society for Humanistic Psychology (American Psychological Association, Division 32)

Cultural Innovator Award, the Living Institute, Toronto, Canada

Honorary Diploma/Membership, Society for Existential Analysis of the United Kingdom and East European Association of Existential Therapy.


Life-Enhancing Anxiety: Key to a Sane World by Kirk J. Schneider. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE.

The Depolarizing of America: A Guidebook for Social Healing by Kirk J. Schneider. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE.

The Wiley World Handbook of Existential Therapy by Emmy van Deurzen, Erik Craig, Alfred Längle, Kirk Schneider, Digby Tantum, & Simon du Plock. Published by Wiley.

The Spirituality of Awe: Challenges to the Robotic Revolution (Revised Edition) by Kirk J. Schneider. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE

Supervision Essentials for Existential-Humanistic Therapy (2016) by Orah Krug & Kirk J. Schneider. Published by APA Books.

The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice (2nd Edition; 2004) by Kirk J. Schneider, J. Fraser Pierson, & James F. T. Bugental. Published by Sage. 

The Polarized Mind: Why It’s Killing Us and What We Can Do About It (2013) by Kirk J. Schneider. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE

Humanity’s Dark Side: Evil, Destructive Experience, and Psychotherapy (2012) by Art C. Bohart, Barbara S. Held, Ed Mendelowitz, & Kirk J. Schneider. Published by APA Books. 

Existential-Humanistic Therapy (2009) by Kirk J. Schneider & Orah Krug. Published by APA Books.

Awakening to Awe: Personal Stories of Profound Transformation (2009) by Kirk J. Schneider. Published by Jason Aronson, Inc. 

Existential-Integrative Psychotherapy: Guideposts to the Core of Practice (2007) by Kirk J. Schneider. Published by Routledge. 

Rediscovery of Awe: Splendor, Mystery, and the Fluid Center of Life (2004) by Kirk J. Schneider. Published by Paragon House.

The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology: Leading Edges in Theory, Research, and Practice (1st Edition; 2002) by Kirk J. Schneider, James F. T. Bugental, & J. Fraser Pierson. Published by Sage. 

The Psychology of Existence: An Integrative, Clinical Perspective. (1994/2012) by Kirk J. Schneider & Rollo May. Published by McGraw/Hill.

The Horror and the Holy (1999) by Kirk J. Schneider. Published by Open Court.

Selected Articles

Schneider, K.J. (2015).  Presence: The core contextual factor of effective psychotherapy. Existential Analysis, 26, 304-312.

Angus,  L., Watson, J., Elliott, R., Schneider, K., & Timulak, L. (2015). Humanistic psychotherapy research 1990–2015: From methodological innovation to evidence-supported treatment outcomes and beyond, Psychotherapy Research, 25, 330-47.

Schneider, K., Chisholm, R.J., Rowan, J. , Chalfont, A. (2014). Mini-Symposium on The Polarized Mind: Why It’s Killing Us and What We Can Do About It.  Self & Society, 42, 89-92.

Schneider, K.J. (2014).  Enchanted agnosticism, awe, and existential-integrative therapy. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 1, 71-73.

Schneider, K.J. (2013).  Humanistic and positive psychology need each other, and to advance, our field needs both.  American Psychologist, 69, 92.

Schneider, K.J. (2011).  Humanistic psychology’s chief task: To reset psychology on its rightful existential-humanistic base. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 51.

Schneider, K.J. (2011). Toward a humanistic positive psychology:  Why can’t we just get along?  Existential analysis, 22, 32-38.

Schneider, K.J., & Greening, T. (2009).  James F.T. Bugental (1915-2008).  American Psychologist, 64., 151.

Schneider, K.J. (2003).  The fluid center:  An awe-based challenge to humanity. Journal of Humanistic psychology, 43., 133-145.

Schneider, K.J. (2002).  The lure of excess.  The Humanistic Psychologist, 30,  274-280.

Schneider, K.J. (1999).  The revival of the romantic means a revival of psychology. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 39, 13-29.

Schneider, K.J. (1999).  The heart of Rollo May.  Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry, 24, 104-110.

Schneider, K.J.  (1999).  Clients deserve relationships, not merely “treatments.”  American Psychologist, 54, 206-207.

Schneider, K.J.  (1999). Multiple case depth research:  Bringing experience-near closer. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 55, 1531-1540.

Schneider, K.J. (1998).  Toward a science of the heart:  Romanticism and the revival of psychology.  American Psychologist, 53, 277-289.

Bohart, A.,  Ohara, M., Leitner, L. , Wertz, F., Stern, M., Schneider, K.J. Serlin, I., & Greening, T. (1997).  Guidelines for the provision of humanistic psychological services. The Humanistic Psychologist, 25, 64-107.

Schneider, K.J. (1996).  Jim Bugental’s vision:  The next step.  Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 36, 67-70.

Other Resources

Dr. Schneider has further resources available at  the Existential-Humanistic Institute website, the American Psychological Association website, Tikkun Magazine website, the Psychology Today BlogWiki Psychology, the Glendon Foundation website blog PsychAlive, the Saybrook University website,, The New Existentialists Blog, and the Existential Therapy Resources Blog, and his own website, in which a comprehensive sampling of books, media presentations, and videos are included.

Random Quote

The culture-blind therapist can engage in malpractice by unwittingly serving as an agent of assimilation, implicitly imposing Euro-American cultural norms on their clients.

— Dan Hocoy, “Transpersonal Psychology in the Age of ISIS: The Role of Culture, Social Action, and Personal Transformation”, chapter in Shadows & Light (Volume 1)