Louis Hoffman, PhD (UPP Author)

Louis Hoffman, PhD spent 19-years as a full-time academic before leaving academia to pursue writing, publishing, private practice, and teaching in more innovative and flexible contexts. Dr. Hoffman continues to teach select courses at the University of Denver, the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, and Saybrook University, as well as teaching through the Existential-Humanistic Institute and the International Institute for Existential-Humanistic Psychology. He serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Humanistic PsychologyThe Humanistic Psychologist, the Journal of Constructivist Psychology, and Janus Head. He is a past president of the Society for Humanistic Psychology (APA Division 32) and the executive director of the Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling and Psychological Association. He has been recognized as a fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA) and six APA Divisions (1, 10, 32, 36, 48, 52) for his contributions to the field of professional psychology and is the 2020/2021 recipient of the Rollo May Award from the Society for Humanistic Psychology. Dr. Hoffman has over 20 books to his credit as well as over 100 journal articles and book chapters on various topics, including existential psychology, LGBTQ issues, multicultural issues in psychotherapy, religious and spiritual issues in psychotherapy, spiritual emergencies, and philosophical issues in psychology. Dr. Hoffman is also a co-founder of the International Institute for Existential-Humanistic Psychology and serves on the board of The Humanitarian Alliance.

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Awards & Honors

  • Rollo May Award, Society for Humanistic Psychology (American Psychological Association, Division 32)
  • Fellow, The Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, & Violence (American Psychological Association, Division 48; Awarded 2020)
  • Fellow, Division 1, Society for General Psychology; Awarded 2018)
  • Fellow, Division 36 of the American Psychological Association (Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality; Awarded 2017)
  • Fellow, Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (Society 10 of the American Psychological Association, Awarded, 2016)
  • Fellow, Division 52 of the American Psychological Association (International Psychology; Awarded 2016)
  • Fellow, Society for Humanistic Psychology (Division 32 of the American Psychological Association; Awarded 2015)
  • Fellow, American Psychological Association (Awarded 2015)
  • Featured in the Article: “Louis Hoffman and the Art of International Dialogue” by Jason Dias, Trent Claypool, Michael Moats, and Elva Hoxie published in NeuroQuantology, Volume 9, 2011.
  • Chief Academic Officer’s Award for Excellence in Research and Creative Endeavors, University of the Rockies, October 2008

Books by Dr. Hoffman

Becoming an Existential-Humanistic Therapist: Narratives from the Journey edited by Julia Falk & Louis Hoffman PURCHASE HERE

Rising Voices: Poems Toward a Social Justice Revolution edited by Louis Hoffman, Nathaniel Granger, Jr., & Veronica Lac PURCHASE HERE

Brilliant Sanity: Buddhist Approaches to Psychotherapy and Counseling (Revised & Expanded Edition) edited by Francis J. Kaklauskas, Susan Nimmanheminda, Louis Hoffman MacAndrew S. Jack, & Jane Perlstein. PURCHASE HERE

Lullabies & Confessions: Poetic Explorations of Parenting Across the Lifespan edited by Louis Hoffman and Lisa Xochitl Vallejos PURCHASE HERE

Humanistic Approaches to Multiculturalism and Diversity: Perspectives on Existence and Difference by Louis Hoffman, Heatherlyn Cleare-Hoffman, Nathaniel Granger, Jr., & David St. John (Eds.). Published by Routledge. PURCHASE HERE.

Existential Psychology East-West (Vol. 1: Revised & Expanded Edition) by Louis Hoffman, Mark Yang, Francis J. Kaklauskas, Albert Chan, & Monica Mansilla (Eds). Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE

Existential Psychology East-West (Vol. 2) by Louis Hoffman, Mark Yang, Monica Mansilla, Jason Dias, Michael Moats, and Trent Claypool (Eds). Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE.

A Walk with Nature: Poetic Encounters that Nourish the Soul by Michael Moats, Derrick Sebree, Jr., Gina Subia Belton, and Louis Hoffman. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE.

Silent Screams: Poetic Journeys Through Addiction and Recovery (Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series) by Nathaniel Granger, Jr., & Louis Hoffman. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE.

Our Last Walk: Using Poetry for Grieving and Remembering Our Pets (Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series) by Louis Hoffman, Michael Moats, and Tom Greening. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE

Journey of the Wounded Soul: Poetic Companions for Spiritual Struggles (Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series) by Louis Hoffman & Steve Fehl. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE

Shadows & Light: Theory, Research, and Practice in Transpersonal Psychology (Vols. 1 & 2) by Francis J. Kaklauskas, Carla J. Clements, Dan Hocoy, and Louis Hoffman. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE

Capturing Shadows: Poetic Encounters Along the Path of Grief and Loss (Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series) by Louis Hoffman & Michael Moats. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE

Stay Awhile: Poetic Narratives About Multiculturalism and Diversity (Poetry, Healing, and Growth Series) by Louis Hoffman & Nathaniel Granger. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE

Toward a Christian Clinical Psychology: The Contributions of H. Newton Malony by Louis Hoffman. Published by Wipf & Stock (Originally published by Fuller Seminary Press).

Existential Psychology East-West by Louis Hoffman, Mark Yang, Francis J. Kaklauskas & Albert Chan. Published by University of the Rockies Press.

Brilliant Sanity: Buddhist Approaches to Psychotherapy by Francis J. Kaklauskas, Susan Nimanheminda, Louis Hoffman, Nad MacAndrew Jack. Published by University of the Rockies Press.

The God Image Handbook for Spiritual Counseling and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice by Glendon Moriarty & Louis Hoffman. Published by Rutledge (Originally published by Haworth Press).

Spirituality and Psychological Health by Richard H. Cox, Betty Ervin-Cox, and Louis Hoffman. Published by the Colorado School of Professional Psychology Press.

Important Articles

Yakushko, O., Hoffman, L., Morgan Consoli, M., & Lee, G. (2016). On methods, methodologies, and continued colonization of knowledge in the study of “ethnic minorities:” Comment on Hall et al. (2016). American Psychologist, 71, 890-891.

Hoffman, L., Granger, N., Jr., & Mansilla, M. (2016). Multiculturalism and meaning in existential and positive psychology. In P. Russo-Netzer, S. E. Schulenberg, & A. Batthyany (Eds.). Clinical perspectives on meaning: Positive and existential psychology (pp. 111-130). New York, NY: Springer.

Hoffman, L., Granger, N. Jr., Vallejos, L., & Moats, M. (2016). An existential-humanistic perspective on Black Lives Matter and contemporary protest movements. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0022167816652273

Hoffman, L. (2016). Multiculturalism and humanistic psychology: From neglect to epistemological and ontological diversity. The Humanistic Psychologist, 44, 56-71.

Hoffman, L., Vallejos, L., Cleare-Hoffman, H. P., & Rubin, S. (2015). Emotion, relationship, and meaning as core existential practice: Evidence-based foundations. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 45, 11-20. doi: 10.1007/s10879-014-9277-9.

Hoffman, L., Cleare-Hoffman, H. P., & Jackson, T. (2014). Humanistic psychology and multiculturalism: History, current status, and advancements. In K. J. Schneider, J. F. Pierson & J. F. T. Bugental (Eds.), The handbook of humanistic psychology: Theory, research, and practice (2nd edition; pp. 41-55). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Hoffman, L., Stewart, S., Warren, D., & Meek, L. (2014). Toward a sustainable myth of self: An existential response to the postmodern condition. In K. J. Schneider, J. F. Pierson & J. F. T. Bugental (Eds.), The handbook of humanistic psychology: Theory, research, and practice (2nd edition; pp. 105-133). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Hoffman, L., Lopez, A., & Moats, M. (2013). Humanistic psychology and self-acceptance. In M. Bernard (Ed.), The strength of self-acceptance: Theory, research, and practice (pp. 3-17). New York: NY: Springer.

Hoffman, L., Richards, R., & Pritzker, S. (2012). Creativity and the evolution of humanistic psychology. Self and Society, 40, 10-15.

Hoffman, L., Warner, H. J., Gregory, C., & Fehl, S. (2011). Existential-integrative perspectives on the psychology of evil. In J. H. Ellens (Ed.), Explaining evil (Vol. 3: Approaches, responses, solutions; pp. 263-286). Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger.

A more comprehensive list of Dr. Hoffman’s journal articles and book chapters can be found on Academia.edu and Research Gate (links below) our on his full Curriculum Vita.


Louis Hoffman, PhD – Author Website

Louis Hoffman, PhD – Private Practice

Louis Hoffman, PhD – Teaching Website

Author Page on Facebook

YouTube Channel


Research Gate

Random Quote

To be truly inclusive in our practice, it is necessary for us to make the invisible, visible.

— Veronica Lac, It’s Not About the Activity