Marguerite Laing – UPP Cover Artist

Marguerite Laing was born in Auckland, the great granddaughter of one of New Zealand’s most esteemed artists, Charles Blomfield. In the 1970s while living in London she met and later married the eminent Scottish psychiatrist and author, Dr. R.D. Laing. When not in London, they spent their time in the enchanted mountains of continental Europe and the United States with their son, Charles until Laing’s death in 1989.

For more than two decades Marguerite has had a psychoanalytic psychotherapy practice, which imparts some of her work with an other-worldliness, may even inspire a profound sense of human experience.

There is a poignant serenity in most of her drawings: in others, a sense of communion, evoking transcendence:  a glimpse into the eternal present moment.

Many of Marguerite’s original works are held in private collections in London, Rome, California, Colorado, Singapore, Tokyo, Sydney and Auckland. The University of Glasgow’s Special Collections Department holds a significant number of originals from her years with Ronnie Laing.

Marguerite was invited to exhibit some of her works at the Chelsea Art Fair in London in November 2018, was invited to show several works at the Venice Biennale 2020 as well as at the Florence Biennale in 2021. Sadly the Covid19 prevented the Venice Biennale from going ahead.

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