The Polarized Mind: Why It’s Killing Us and What We Can Do About It
Drawing from existential psychology, Schneider looks at the polarized mind, how it has ravaged cultures throughout history, and how to address the problem.

What do a school shooter, a corporate swindler, and a bullheaded ideologue have in common?-They all converge on what author Kirk Schneider terms “the polarized mind.” The polarized mind, which is the fixation on one point of view to the utter exclusion of competing points of view, is killing us-personally, politically, and environmentally. Drawing from the standpoint of existential psychology, this book details the basis for the polarized mind, how it has ravaged leaders and their cultures throughout history (up to and including our own time), and steps we urgently need to take to address the problem. These steps combine contemporary insights with centuries of cross-cultural, awe-inspired wisdom.
About the Author
KIRK J. SCHNEIDER, PhD, is a leading spokesperson for contemporary existential-humanistic psychology. Dr. Schneider is the recent past editor of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology (2005-2012), vice-president of the Existential-Humanistic Institute (EHI), and adjunct faculty at Saybrook University, Teachers College, Columbia University, and the California Institute of Integral Studies. A Fellow of the American Psychological Association (APA), Dr. Schneider has published over 100 articles and chapters and has authored or edited nine books (seven either have been or soon will be translated into Chinese). These books include The Paradoxical Self, Horror and the Holy, The Psychology of Existence (with Rollo May), The Handbook of Humanistic Psychology (with James Bugental and Fraser Pierson–now being updated for a second edition), Rediscovery of Awe, Existential-Integrative Psychotherapy, Existential-Humanistic Therapy (with Orah Krug–accompanying APA video also available), Humanity’s Dark Side: Evil, Destructive Experience, and Psychotherapy (with Art Bohart, Barbara Held, and Ed Mendelowitz), and Awakening to Awe.
Product Details
Paperback: 202 pages
File Size (e-book): 408 KB
Publisher: University Professors Press (April 17, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1939686008
ISBN-13: 978-1939686008