Richard Bargdill – UPP Cover Artist

Dr. Richard Bargdill is an artist, an environmental activist and an associate professor of psychology at the Virginia Commonwealth University. He is the author (2014) of An Artist’s Thought Book: Intriguing Thoughts about the Artistic Process (2nd Edition). Rich has published over two-dozen poems in various journals and books. He has won a couple of awards both for his poetry and his visual artwork. His 2009 sculpture called “I’m a tree chopped down everyday” was awarded 1st place at the official Pennsylvania State Art show.

Dr. Bargdill teaches a course at VCU on the Psychology of Creativity. More recently, his art work has focused on social justice issues. He has painted a number of works on the uprising in Baltimore following the Freddie Gray murder by police. He made another series on the genocide of Native Americans, African Americans and European Jews. He currently is making a series of paintings on female activists standing up for environmental causes. Rich was recently the curator a collection of 22 portraits each by a different artist concentrating on “Eco-martyrs”—people who have been murdered trying to protect the earth from Climate change.

About the Art

My art ideas mainly come from my background in psychology. I have a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and I am currently an associate professor of psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University. During my education I began having ideas about various art pieces that related to issues of identity, self-exploration, and obstacles toward personal growth. Because the main research method I was taught included attempting to describe ‘the things themselves’ I, initially, was interested in poetry. I wrote prolifically and have published over two dozen poems. As my poetry changed from free verse to rhyme, a natural transition took me into music. I learned to play guitar as an avenue to write songs. I’ve written over 60 songs—none that you would have heard. I have made two demo albums so that I was able to catalog 20 songs. Over the last decade, I have become more involved in the visual arts and have won several awards at regional shows for my conceptual pieces. I have recently published the 2nd edition of “An Artist’s Thought Book: intriguing thoughts about the artistic process”. This book contains a series of numbered maxims–one sentence to one page accounts—about my thoughts concerning five major topics: the nature of creativity, what it means to be an artist, how one can find one’s voice in music, what the poet is trying to accomplish, and how to find one’s muse while painting. My website has my complete works.

Sample Artwork

Covers Designed

Bargdill, R.W. (2018). Murmuration (Cover art). Reflections on Certain Qualitative and Phenomenological Psychological Methods. Amedeo Giorgi. University Professors Press. Colorado Springs, CO.

Bargdill, R.W. (2017). Self Portrait in blue (Cover art). Silent Screams: Poetic Journeys through Addiction and Recovery. N. Granger, Jr & L. Hoffman, Eds. University Professors Press. Colorado Springs, CO.

Bargdill, R. W. (2016). Tree Droppings (Cover Art) Humanistic Contributions to Psychology 101: Growth, Choice, and Responsibility. [Eds. R. Bargdill &R. Broome] University Professors Press: Colorado Springs, CO.

Bargdill, R.W. (2014) I’m a tree chopped down everyday, [Face detail]. Photograph (Cover Art) by Margo DePolo. An Artist’s Thought Book: Intriguing Thoughts about the Artistic Process (2nd Ed.). University Professors Press: Colorado Springs, CO.

Published Paintings in Academic Venues

Bargdill, R.W. (2020). “New Orleans.” Society for Humanistic Psychology Annual Conference Website. Division 32 of APA.

Bargdill, R.W. (2019). “Common as Grass.” In A Walk with Nature: Poetic Encounters that Nourish the Soul (M. Moats, D. Sebree, G. Belton, & L. Hoffman, Eds.). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R.W. (2019). “Line in Baltimore” (Cover Art). Division 32 Conference Brochure. The 12th Annual Division 32 conference. Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR.

Bargdill, R.W. (2017). “Tempest” (image). In Silent Screams: Poetic Journeys through Addiction and Recovery. (N. Granger, Jr & L. Hoffman, Eds.). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R.W. (2017). “Molton” (image). In Silent Screams: Poetic Journeys through Addiction and Recovery. (N. Granger, Jr & L. Hoffman, Eds.). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R.W. (2017). “Drips” (image). In Silent Screams: Poetic Journeys through Addiction and Recovery. (N. Granger, Jr & L. Hoffman, Eds.). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R.W. (2017). “The Useless Tree” (image). Existential Psychology and the Way of the Tao: Meditations on the Writings of Zhuangzi. (M. Yang, Ed.). Routledge.

Bargdill, R.W (2015). “Tree People.” In Capturing Shadows: Poetic Encounters Along the Path of Grief and Loss. (L. Hoffman & M. Moats, Eds). UniversityProfessors Press.

Bargdill, R.W (2015). “Dandelion.” In Capturing Shadows: Poetic Encounters Along the Path of Grief and Loss. (L. Hoffman & M. Moats, Eds). UniversityProfessors Press.

Bargdill, R.W (2015). “Who’s with me?” In Stay Awhile: Poetic Narratives on Multiculturalism and Diversity (L. Hoffman & Granger, N, Eds). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R.W. (2015). “Identity.” In Living the Good Life: A Psychological History (R. Bargdill, Ed.). Cognella, Inc: San Diego, CA.

Bargdill, R.W. (2015). “Empathy.” In Living the Good Life: A Psychological History (R. Bargdill, Ed.). Cognella, Inc: San Diego, CA.
Inc: San Diego, CA.

Bargdill, R.W. (2015). “Momma.” In Living the Good Life: A Psychological History (R. Bargdill, Ed.). Cognella, Inc: San Diego, CA.

Bargdill, R.W. (2014) “Murmur.” American Psychology Association Conference Member Art Display. APA Conference, Washington, DC.

Bargdill, R.W. (2014) “Murmur.” Zeitgeist: VCU Psychology Department Newsmagazine. Cover Art.

Published Poems in Academic Venues

Bargdill, R.W. (2019). Seeds of the sacred. In A Walk with Nature: Poetic Encounters that Nourish the Soul (M. Moats, D. Sebree, G. Belton, & L. Hoffman, Eds.). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R.W. (2017). No sympathies for a city. Silent Screams: Poetic journeys through addiction and recovery. N. Granger, Jr & L. Hoffman, Eds. University Professors Press. Colorado Springs, CO.

Bargdill, R.W. (2017). Vide verre. In Silent Screams: Poetic Journeys through Addiction and Recovery. (N. Granger, Jr & L. Hoffman, Eds.). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R.W. (2017). Vials. In Silent Screams: Poetic Journeys through Addiction and Recovery. (N. Granger, Jr & L. Hoffman, Eds.). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R.W. (2017). Walking. Connoisseurs of Suffering: Poetry for the Journey to Meaning (J. Dias & L. Hoffman, Eds.). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R. W. (2016). He got loose. In Our Last Walk: Using Poetry for Grieving and Remembering Our Pets. (L. Hoffman, M. Moats & T. Greening, Eds.). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R. W. (2016). Life is a contradiction in terms. In Journey of the Wounded Soul: Poetic Companions for Spiritual Struggles (L. Hoffman, & S. Fehl, Ed.). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R. W. (2016). I pray for scars. In Journey of the Wounded Soul: Poetic Companions for Spiritual Struggles (L. Hoffman, & S. Fehl, Ed.). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R. W. (2016). Manufracture. In Journey of the Wounded Soul: Poetic Companions for Spiritual Struggles (L. Hoffman, & S. Fehl, Ed.). University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R.W (2015). Go my children. In Capturing Shadows: Poetic Encounters Along the Path of Grief and Loss. [L. Hoffman & M. Moats, Eds]. University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R.W (2015). Death Poem 13. In Capturing Shadows: Poetic Encounters Along the Path of Grief and Loss. [L. Hoffman & M. Moats, Eds]. University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R.W (2015). Death Poem 22. In Capturing Shadows: Poetic Encounters Along the Path of Grief and Loss. [L. Hoffman & M. Moats, Eds]. University Professors Press.

Bargdill, R.W (2015). One touch. In Stay Awhile: Poetic Narratives on Multiculturalism and Diversity (L. Hoffman & Granger, N, Eds). University Professors Press.


Visual Arts

2009 “State of the Art”—Pennsylvania State Art Show, 1st Place Sculpture
“I’m a Tree chopped down everyday”

Art in Bloom 2007, 1st Place Drawing

Bedford County Arts Council 2006, 2nd place 3D

Art in Bloom 2004, 2nd Place 3D
“World Trade Center Memorial”

Bedford County Arts Council 2003, 1st Place 3D

Poetry Awards

2001 “Poet’s Corner” in The Pittsburgh Post Gazette
“What Matters”

9th Annual Sophie Award for Poetic Excellence (2007)
Sponsored by the Perry County Arts Council

10th Annual Sophie Award: Emma Sigmond Award (2008)
Sponsored by the Perry County Arts Council

11th Annual Sophie Awards for Poetic Excellence (2009) 1st place
Sponsored by the Perry County Arts Council
“Etch and Sketch”

Random Quote

Students are not receptacles to be crammed but candles to be lit.

— Mark Yang, Lighting the Candle: Taoist Principles in Supervision Conducted from an Existential-Humanistic Perspective