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Reprint and Republication Permissions

We are currently in the process of setting up with an outside agency to manage our reprint, reuse, and republication permissions. However, at the current time, all reprint, reuse, and republication requests must be made directly to University Professors Press. If you wish to reprint and republish any portion of a University Professors Press book, please contact us.

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The pursuit of translating any University Professors Press books requires permission from University Professors Press and will entail fees. The fees are dependent upon the particular language the book will be translated into and where the translated version will be available. When contacting us about translating a book, please be sure to include sufficient information for us to be able to consider the proposal. This should include the language the book would be translated into, the region(s) the translated book will be available, who is seeking to have the book translated, the publisher, the translator(s), the number of copies that will be printed (or information on print-on-demand), and the timeline for translation and publication. Payment is required before materials are provided for translation.

As we have received suspicious inquiries about translation, it is necessary to include all the necessary information for the proposal for us to respond to any inquires about translation. If you are interested in pursuing the translation of one of our books, please contact us.

Poetry Copyrights

The rights of individual poems in our poetry books are held by the author. The books, as a whole, are copyrighted to University Professors Press.

Individual Poem Permissions

If you wish to republish or reproduce an individual poem, please contact the poet/author. Per our agreement with all poets who have contributed to our books, any republications must acknowledge that the poem was previously published in a book by University Professors Press. An example of the preferred language is below:

[Poem name] was previously published in Our Last Walk: Using Poetry for Remembering and Grieving Our Pets edited by L. Hoffman, M. Moats, & T. Greening (University Professors Press, 2016).

Permission for Multiple Poems or Sections of Poetry Books

If you desire to republish, reuse, or reproduce more than one poem or section of one of our poetry books, then permission is needed from the authors and University Professors Press. To seek permission to republish, reuse, or reproduce multiple poems or a section of one of our poetry books, please contact us.

Random Quote

Furthermore this collection of poetry also reminds us that in all ancient societies poetry was seen as the purest and most dangerous form of truth and knowledge.

— Alexandro José Gradilla, Foreword to Stay Awhile: Poetic Narratives on Multiculturalism and Diversity