UPP Partners

The University Professors Press has begun entering into partnerships with organizations that share complimentary values with University Professors Press. These partnerships help promote the scholarship published by University Professors Press while also supporting other organizations committed to humanistic, existential, and transpersonal psychology and creativity studies.

Meaning Online

Meaning Online is the online platform based in the United Kingdom focused on living a meaningful and satisfying life. They offer courses, training, and consultation services. Meaning Online also organizes the International Meaning Conference (IMEC) London every other year in the United Kingdom. UPP has formed a partnership with Meaning Online to collaborate on various activities, including publishing the proceedings from the International Meaning Conference, London.

Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling and Psychological Association
The Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling and Psychological Association (RMHCPA) is a professional organization located in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The mission of RMHCPA focuses on advancing humanistic, existential, and transpersonal psychology. In 2019, RMHCPA began working toward establishing two archives: 1) The International Existential and Humanistic Psychology Archives and 2) The International Transpersonal Archives. UPP has entered into an agreement with RMHCPA to help support and publish from their archives.

Random Quote

It is so damaging to define a person as something without understanding the context from which it arises.

— Jacqueline Simon Gunn & Carlo DeCarlo, Bare: Psychotherapy Unstripped