Tom Greening (UPP Author)

Tom Greening earned a BA from Yale University, spent a year in Vienna on a Fulbright Fellowship, and attended graduate school at the University of Michigan, earning a PhD in 1958. He is Professor Emeritus from Saybrook University and Clinical Professor of Psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Dr. Greening served as Editor of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology for 35 years. His mentors included Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, Jim Bugental, and Rollo May. He has been in private practice since 1958. Dr. Greening is a prolific poet with poems included in various books and journals. Three collections of Dr. Greening’s poems have also been published, including two by University Professors Press.

Awards & Honors

  • Thomas Szasz Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Cause of Civil Liberties (2009)
  • Distinguished Lifetime Contribution to Humanistic Psychology (2015)
  • Fellow, American Psychological Association
  • Fellow, Society for Humanistic Psychology (APA Division 32)


Into the Void: An Existential Psychologist Faces Death Through Poetry by Tom Greening. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE

Poems For and About Elders (Revised & Expanded Edition) by Tom Greening. Published by University Professors Press (Original version published by Elders Academy Press). PURCHASE HERE

Words Against the Void: Poems by an Existential Psychologist (Revised & Expanded Edition) by Tom Greening. Published by University Professors Press (Original version published by the University of the Rockies Press). PURCHASE HERE

Our Last Walk: Using Poetry for Remembering and Grieving Our Pets by Louis Hoffman, Michael Moats, and Tom Greening. Published by University Professors Press. PURCHASE HERE

View the Tom Greening Bundle at University Professors Press

Animals I Have Known by Tom Greening. Published on CreateSpace Platform.

Nasreddin the Psychologist by Tom Greening. Published by Garden Wall Publishers.

Existential Humanistic Psychology by Tom Greening. Published by Brooks/Cole.

Frank and Earnest Career Advice: How to Make Your Job Work for You by Tom Greening. Published by Pharos Books.


Random Quote

It seems ironic that many will fight hard for political freedom only to give up all of their personal freedoms. They abandon personal freedom to conformity, groupthink, and the tyranny of normalcy. Often, freedom is given up out of devotion to a political party or some other chosen affiliation.

— Louis Hoffman, “Introduction to Existential-Humanistic Psychology in a Cross-Cultural Context” (Chapter 1; Existential Psychology East-West, Vol. 1, Revised & Expanded Edition)